Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Double Line Painters of the Blue Ridge and guest artist hung the show at Jefferson Center in Roanoke, Virginia on the 2nd.  There are at least 63 pieces of art.  Makes for a very nice show.  This is one of the pieces I have in the show.
                                                                        The Suburbs

Sunday, November 23, 2014

                                                                        Red Rhapsody
      A new year is approaching at very fast pace.  Maybe this year I can get this blogging business down and also become a better artist.  Both endeavors take time but blogging is the most tedious.
     The Double Line Painters have a very busy Holiday Season.  On Friday, December 5th we will be at Second Helpings in Roanoke from 4-7 PM making greeting cards and having a good time. On Sunday December 7th there will be an Open House at Salem Terrace at Harrogate  and an Open House at Goose Creek Gallery in Bedford.  For times and location check the Double Line Painters Blog


Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year

It is hard to believe that 2014 is here.  It certainly came in like a bear, very cold and windy.  Met with members of the Double Line Painters today.  Made plans for the year, had something warm to drink and of course ate .  It is going to be a very busy year and hopefully a productive one.  

                                                                   "Blanket of Snow"